H J Accounting Pty Ltd is a CPA Practice. We are providing high quality accountancy services to our customers.
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Tax Agent Services
We are registered with the Australian Taxation Office as a tax agent and authorised by them for preparing and lodging income tax returns.
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Business Advisory
As accountants in practice with over 10 years of experience, we help business owners run their business better.
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Structure! Structure! Structure!
Getting a right business structure is one of the most important decision you need to make before bring your dream to life. You may have heard people talk about the pros and cons of different structures like company, trust, partnership, sole trader and etc. However, have you ever ask yourself the following questions -
Is your structure the simplest and most cost-effective?
Do you have the legal ownership of the assets and income?
Are you personally liable for the debts from your structure?
Are your business activities seperated from valuable assets?
Is the retained profits protected from your structure?
Does your structure facilitate future growth and exit?
Does your structure have a life limit?
H J Accounting Pty Ltd is a CPA Practice and Registered Tax Agent
Our liability is limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
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